A whole community approach to ending social isolation through a social prescribing network

Services in Mt Gravatt and Surrounds

Organisations That Are Involved

Details of some of the organisations that provide different services to our clients. Click on their names to go to their websites.

Feel free to contact our Link Workers, Elise or Danne, on 07 3343 9833 for more information about these services.

  • Crisis lines

    Telecross – Daily health and welfare check via telephone to vulnerable clients. Clients MUST have at least two emergency contacts in the event the telecross volunteer cannot get in touch with client. Prefer My Aged Care and NDIS recipients though not essential.

    Telechat – Weekly phone call to vulnerable clients experiencing social isolation. Both services are taking referrals and can start services immediately. Self-referral and referral by other agencies (verbal consent).

    For more information about accessing Telecross as a client, please call Red Cross on 1300 885 698.

  • ER/outreach services throughout the holidays

    Christmas can be a lonely time for some of our community members. If you, or anyone you know, is feeling lonely or socially isolated this time of year, do not hesitate to call any one of the emergency services below.

    If you would like to be a part of the Ways to Wellness program, give our team a call at 3343 9833 or email us at linkworker@mgcci.org.au. We are closed from 24th December 2020 but we will get back to you when we reopen on 4th January 2021.
  • Seniors Infochat: 1300 135 500

    Seniors Infochat is a free service provided by the Seniors Inquiry Line of UnitingCare. Their friendly staff will you keep you up to date on various topics such as newly reported scams, government announcements, community announcements, useful resources and publications, and events happening in your area. To register your details or gain more information on the program, contact Seniors Infochat at 1300 135 500.

  • Brisbane City Council Home Library Service

    Free home library service for Brisbane residents who are unable to visit a library due to frailty, disability or long term illness. Library staff assist with selection of reading material, including magazines, large print, audio books, DVDs and CDs based on the customer’s interests and preferences. These items are delivered once a month. A medical practitioner must support eligibility for the service, however please note this requirement will be waived for any application received during the Coronavirus pandemic.

    For more information about this service, contact your local library or phone Council at 07 3403 8888.

  • Australian Red Cross - Telecross and Telechat Service

    Telecross – Daily health and welfare check via telephone to vulnerable clients. Clients MUST have at least two emergency contacts in the event the telecross volunteer cannot get in touch with client. Prefer My Aged Care and NDIS recipients though not essential.

    Telechat – Weekly phone call to vulnerable clients experiencing social isolation. Both services are taking referrals and can start services immediately. Self-referral and referral by other agencies (verbal consent).

    For more information about accessing Telecross as a client, please call Red Cross on 1300 885 698.

Mt Gravatt Community Centre
1693 Logan Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122
P: 0491 625 869
E: linkworker@mgcci.org.au

Copyright © 2019 - Ways to Wellness.